Seyfarth Synopsis: Happy Thanksgiving to our loyal readers of the Workplace Class Action Blog! Our team has been busy at work this Thanksgiving season in wrapping up our start-of-the-year kick-off publication – Seyfarth Shaw’s Annual Workplace Class Action Litigation Report. We anticipate going to press in early January, and launching the 2021 Report to our readers from our Blog.
This will be our 17th Annual Report, and the biggest yet with analysis of over 1,500 class certification rulings from federal and state courts in 2020. With 2020 being the year of COVID-19, workplace class action litigation took some interesting and unexpected turns.
As in the past, the Report will be available for download as an E-Book too.
We are humbled and honored by the recent review of our 2020 Annual Workplace Class Action Litigation Report by Employment Practices Liability Consultant Magazine (“EPLiC”) – the review is here. EPLiC said: “The Report is a must-have resource for legal research and in-depth analysis of employment-related class action litigation. Anyone who practices in this area, whether as a corporate counsel, a private attorney, a business executive, a risk manager, an underwriter, a consultant, or a broker, cannot afford to be without it. Importantly, the Report is the only publication of its kind in the United States. It is the sole compendium that analyzes workplace class actions from ‘A to Z.’ In short it is ‘the bible’ for class action legal practitioners, corporate counsel, employment practices liability insurers, and anyone who works in related areas.”
The 2021 Report will analyze rulings from all state and federal courts – including private plaintiff class actions and collective actions, and government enforcement actions – in the substantive areas of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Fair Labor Standards Act, the Employee Retirement Income Security Act, and the Class Action Fairness Act of 2005. It also features chapters on EEOC pattern or practice rulings, state law class certification decisions, and non-workplace class action rulings that impact employers. The Report also analyzes the leading class action settlements for 2020 for employment discrimination, wage & hour, and ERISA class actions, as well as settlements of government enforcement actions, both with respect to monetary values and injunctive relief provisions. With 2020 being the year of COVID-19, workplace class action litigation took some interesting and unexpected turns.
Information on downloading your copy of the 2021 Report will be available on our blog in early January. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!