By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and Alex W. Karasik

Seyfarth Synopsis: In a lawsuit brought by a plaintiff class action firm alleging that objectors to class action settlements violated both RICO and Illinois state law by filing frivolous objections in order to seek payouts, an Illinois federal court denied in part the Defendant objectors’ motion to dismiss, holding it had
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fourth circuit.bmpBy Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and Chris Palamountain 

In a recent unanimous decision – Walters, et al. v. McMahen, et al., 2012 U.S. App. LEXIS 13682 (4th Cir. July 5, 2012) – the Fourth Circuit held that Spartan-like pleading allegations were insufficient to support a workplace class action where hourly employees who claimed that their employer engaged in a conspiracy to depress their wages. On July 5

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