Seyfarth Synopsis: In our continuing coverage of the top trends found in Seyfarth’s 2022 Workplace Class Action Litigation Report, wage & hour litigation remained the sweet spot for the plaintiffs’ class action bar over the past year. Based on sheer volume and statistical numbers, workers certified more class and collective actions in the wage & hour space in 2021 as
Continue Reading 5 Top Trends In Workplace Class Action Litigation: Trend #2 Class Certification Trends

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr., Alex S. Oxyer, and Paul M. Waldera

Seyfarth Synopsis: The U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas recently reaffirmed the lenient standard courts utilize when deciding a motion for conditional certification of a collective action brought under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (“ADEA”).  In Wood et al., v. Learjet et al.,
Continue Reading Be Careful What You Wish For: Federal District Court Uses Employer’s Desire For A Younger Work Force Against It In Conditional Certification

By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr. and Alex W. Karasik

Seyfarth Synopsis: In an Equal Pay Act collective action lawsuit brought by female school crossing guards against the City of New York, who alleged they were paid less than male traffic enforcement agents, a federal district court in New York recently granted the City of New York’s motion for summary judgment,
Continue Reading Empire State Employer Emerges Victorious In Equal Pay Act Lawsuit