By: Matthew J. Gagnon

Seyfarth Synopsis: Government agencies and private plaintiffs’ counsel alike send a clear message: employers must take pay equity seriously. One way employers can address this message is by considering periodic audits of their pay practices and/or investigations of any unexplainable pay gaps or irregularities. Employers are often concerned about how those audits and investigations could be

Continue Reading Key Developments In Equal Pay Litigation: Maintaining Privilege Over Pay Equity Audits And Investigations

By: Matthew J. Gagnon

Seyfarth Synopsis: In its seminal decision, Bostock v. Clayton County, Georgia, the Supreme Court held that discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity is tantamount to discrimination on the basis of sex. Employers are just beginning to grasp the wide-ranging impact that decision will have on the American workplace. The reasoning of

Continue Reading Key Developments In Equal Pay Litigation: Impact Of The Supreme Court’s Bostock Decision

By: Matthew J. Gagnon

Seyfarth Synopsis: It has been nearly a decade since some states began enacting changes to their equal pay statutes that appeared to some to differentiate those statues from the federal Equal Pay Act (“EPA”) in significant ways. Although those changes garnered plenty of press and speculation from commentators, the courts themselves have been rather slow to

Continue Reading Key Developments In Equal Pay Litigation: The Second Circuit Finally Sees Some Daylight Between Federal And State Equal Pay Statutes