By Gerald L. Maatman, Jr.

At long last, the EEOC finally issued its FY 2013 Performance and Accountability Report (“PAR”) on the evening of December 16, 2013. For those waiting to see an interesting twist on the EEOC’s internal metrics, the PAR did not disappoint. The PAR details the EEOC’s litigation activities from October 1, 2012 to September 30, 2013. The PAR is the agency’s internal annual report and reflects its assessment of its FY 2013 program and financial performance. 

The FY 2013 PAR provides critical insight into the EEOC’s strategic objectives as it closes in on the approximate half-way point of its 2012-2016  Strategic Enforcement Plan (“SEP”). It also reveals surprising departures from the agency’s stated objectives, possibly signaling that the agency may double-down in its 2014 enforcement efforts to make up for the goals its missed. 

Our analysis of its meaning for employers is here in a new LexBlog video:

Readers can also find this post on our EEOC Countdown blog here.