Seyfarth’s Workplace Class Action Blog is a one-of-a-kind reference site and thought leadership forum that analyzes the latest trends in complex employment litigation. Help us gain some extra recognition by casting your vote in the ABA’s annual 100 best legal blogs competition.
When: You only have a few days left to vote, the deadline is August 9, 2013.
Where: Click the link here to vote. Simply provide a short explanation of why you like this blog.
Why: Check out some of the competition criteria:
- The author is recognizable as someone working in a legal field or studying law in the vast majority of the posts.
- The majority of the blog is written with an audience of legal professionals or law students — rather than potential clients or potential law students — in mind.
- The majority of the blog’s content is unique to the blog and not cross-posted or cut and pasted from other publications.
Hurry over to the polls, and cast your vote!