On Monday, we published the 2013 Workplace Class Action Litigation Report. The WCAR has already received numerous accolades from many esteemed publications and media sources (click here, here, here, here, here, and here to read more). This year for the first time, our 2013 Workplace Class Action Litigation Report is being offered in a whole new medium – an eBook. The eBook is now available to download to a PC or mobile device. The eBook is fully searchable, allows users to bookmark useful sections for easy future reference, and has a host of other features – including the ability to underline and take notes in the iPad version. We hope this will make the WCAR an even more useful and user-friendly resource.
The eBook is now live and can be ordered online, along with the CD-ROM version, by clicking here.
The 2013 WCAR analyzes 1,059 class action rulings on a circuit-by-circuit and state-by-state basis. The Report is divided into chapters on leading class action settlements, federal law rulings, and state law rulings. The substantive areas examined include Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; EEOC pattern or practice cases; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act; the Fair Labor Standards Act; the Employee Retirement Income Security Act; state law rulings in employment law, wage and hour, and breach of contract cases; key CAFA rulings, and other class action rulings with significance to Rule 23 and/or workplace litigation.
We hope you enjoy the eBook version of the Report!